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CPD Connect

“It has been an absolute joy to have met Ruth and have the pleasure of working with her...enthusiastic, relatable and fun...when a vivacious, knowledgeable presenter can adapt to any audience and foster trust, enable open and honest conversations – in a short space of time - you have found someone unique! 

GPN Comments/NES

“The section on menopause was amazing! The woman had clear passion for what she was discussing”


"Best of the day – speaker was excellent and pitched talk at correct level."


"A lovely uplifting talk, almost feels like a friend taking you through a very informative subject."

Course Attendee

"I really enjoyed the course and found it very informative.  There were opportunities to ask questions and any questions were answered clearly.  I would highly recommend this course."

Course Attendee

“ Thank you so much for a very entertaining and informative evening “
Thank you Ruth your presentation was marvellous – who knew you knew so much”

Course Attendee

“Fabulously detailed without being didn't mind us interrupting” “Good to hear all aspects of a little discussed period of life”
The workshop was .... “ so honest, open, safe, great !” 

Course Attendee

"Thank you so much for your time yesterday, What a brilliant session. I think everyone that attended was so impressed and took something from it."

Webinar Attendee

"I have to say that it was one of the best information sessions I’ve ever heard on menopause. The speakers really knew their stuff and I thought you did a fantastic job hosting and presenting, as well as signposting us to useful info."

Webinar Attendee

"This is a brilliant webinar summing up a true biopsychosocial approach. I’m loving listening to everyone."​

Webinar Attendee

"This really is an amazing webinar - SO  much information which should be shared with everyone!"


"This has been really interesting and a worthwhile few hours. It's also inspiring to hear from such highly knowledgeable women sharing what they know about our health"

Book Review

"With her warm and witty writing style, Ruth injects humour into a subject which can be difficult for many women to talk about with their partners. In doing so, she has produced a valuable resource that encourages men to understand and support their partner to manage menopausal symptoms, rather than sit and watch from the side lines, perhaps feeling a little baffled. 


I would highly recommend this book to anyone whose partner is menopausal, and any woman going through menopause who can leave the book lying around so her partner might conveniently find it. Thank you Ruth!

Dr Melanie Smith, clinical psychologist and co-author of ‘Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats - A Cognitive Behavioural Self-Help Guide to the Menopause."

Book Review

"Extremely useful easy to read book packed with information about symptoms, medication, and remedies. Suitable for men and women. Can be read in under an hour..." 

Book Review

"Great book for the significant other in your life ... readable and closes a gap in the market .. get it for your sons... your partners .... your friends ... your colleagues and help them “get it”

Book Review

"This book demystifies a very tricky subject in a simple and humorous way. It has helped me to understand what is happening to me much better and gives very useful advice about how to deal with it. It is full of examples, many of which I have been able to relate to."

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