What a fantastic view...if you can't manage to get to the beach any time soon, close you eyes, breathe deeply and imagine you are there, then try one of our next tips to aim for overall health and well being...
Pilates or Yoga
….well the good news is you don't have to choose as both are highly advisable to do. If you are part of the population that has embraced one or both of these disciplines then you are doing your body an enormous favour…carry on!
If you haven't tried them yet then give them a whirl alongside the aerobic exercise, with conventional sport helping your body in different ways to yoga and pilates. I know you're sitting there thinking —does she think I have 48 hours in a day. I can guarantee if you haven't tried them yet, once you do, you won't look back!
So what's all the fuss about? Pilates and yoga both teach the important connection between physical and mental health, with yoga adding in the spiritual and meditative elements as well. Within both disciplines there are different types so it's always a good idea to try a few different classes to find the one that suits you and to find a teacher whose on a similar wave length.
Yoga originated in India over 5000 years ago, whereas Pilates is relatively young in comparison, the original exercises and moves being created by Joseph Pilates in the mid 20th century, becoming popular when the world of dance embraced them, shortly followed by sports professionals.
They both help to develop strength, balance, flexibility and posture. Good breathing techniques are incorporated into both and when you've done them for a while you will realise that they also focus on centreing, precision and control – resulting in providing your body with high levels of physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Great stress relievers.
Research shows that after 10 weeks of pilates training they found an increase in the brain's memory performance and other cognitive functions…and for all of you out there both are absolutely brilliant for your pelvic floors, I know didn't take me long to get round to mentioning them! Whilst I'm on the topic try and do them 3 times a day…no excuse for not doing them...you can do them anywhere, any time any place! But, try and choose a time of day when you regularly do them and don't forget do pulse, shorter ones as well as longer ones…variety is the spice of life!
Pilates and Yoga:
Help physical, mental and spiritual well being
Help balance, flexibility and posture which long term helps reduce risk of falling and fractures
Helps bone density
Strengthens muscles
Strengthens and develops a strong core
Reduces stress levels
Helps to promote better sleep patterns

If you live in and around the Scottish Borders two ladies well worth getting in touch with for Pilates and Yoga are Julia Waters : FB : Realistic Pilates Julia Waters or email : pilatesforlife@hotmail.co.uk and Trudy Morrison for yoga. If you live outwith the Scottish Borders area I'm sure they will be helpful in trying to point you in the right direction.
Any information is as accurate as possible at time of writing and is for information purposes only. The information and support that Let's Talk Menopause provides is for your own personal use. It is not intended to replace or substitute the judgement of any medical professional you may come in contact with. You should always seek advice from your healthcare professional regarding any medical condition.